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To everyone, I recommend, in addition to not throwing anything on the ground, report places where you have happened to see garbage that invades the undergrowth, the lake, the river or any other natural environment!

Contatti: Chi siamo

Contact us

If you are aware of green areas, such as woods, parks, rivers, lakes, etc., that need our intervention to be cleared of the garbage, if you want to join us or if you want more information, do not hesitate a moment to more and write to us!


We can be reached by phone on the following days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

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Con le donazioni compriamo i sacchi dei rifiuti e il materiale utilizzato durante le raccolte dai volontari.

IBAN: CH 7400 2362 3615 9911 01A
Titolare: Associazione Gruppo Verde Speranza, 6826 Riva San Vitale
N. di conto: 236-159911.01A

© 2020-2025 Associazione Gruppo Verde Speranza. Created with

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